A Case Study on Plant Efficiency at Cosma

When C2AE and Cosma teamed up to prepare a former solar panel manufacturing plant for Cosma’s automotive manufacturing operation, efficiency was the primary goal.

As part of a large addition to the plant, C2AE relocated a road and made several improvements to the site. Supporting the addition are two truck docks, which are angled to fit the space.

C2AE designed a second road with a snowmelt system, which can be attached to a boiler. This would allow vehicles to traverse up and down the slope with minimal difficulty.

Most of the addition houses computer numerical control (CNC) machines. These machines enable the same automotive part to be produced repeatedly at a high speed.

As required by energy codes, the ceiling features ample skylights. These windows, in addition to the reflective surfaces and white ceilings, allow light to pass through the plant. Not only do these elements reduce the plant’s energy consumption, but they also improve the employee experience.

An electrical bus bar along the ceiling allows the machinery to be reconfigured easily. Much of the utilities include loops, tees, and valves for the same reason.

Many automotive manufacturers are moving from traditional assembly cells to “super assembly cells,” like the one shown above. These much larger work cells are designed to complete multiple steps within a process, passing a piece from one robot to the next. The result is a more streamlined assembly.

Efficient design can make all the difference when it comes to meeting your production benchmarks. If you’re a plant manager planning your next project, give C2AE a call to find out how we can support your goals.

John Bowman

John Bowmen, MBA, MSIE, AAS-ME, is C2AE's Manufacturing Market Leader. He brings three decades of experience developing and implementing improvement strategies to help industrial companies achieve their vision and performance objectives.


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