City of Bessemer

USDA-RD Water & Wastewater Services

Bessemer, Michigan

Before 2018, the City of Bessemer's water and wastewater systems operated on aging infrastructure, much of it dating back to the 1930s. When the Michigan Department of Transportation initiated improvements along 2.75 miles of US-2, Bessemer hired C2AE to facilitate the concurrent replacement of water main and sanitary sewer piping within the same corridor—a multi-year, multi-project undertaking.

C2AE has since assisted Bessemer in securing USDA-RD funding, completed design and bidding, and administrating construction. The $10.4 million water service improvements and $10.9 million wastewater service improvements will bring this community into a new era of reliable, long-lasting utilities.


McLaren Greater Lansing New Campus Roads and Utilities


Kalkaska Railroad Square